Partnering Company List Now Available

Meet companies from around the world that are going above and beyond to help solve the world's most pressing issues. 

The list of companies participating in BIO One-on-One Partnering during BIO Digital is now available! Use this new, filterable list to discover companies that you can in the partnering system. New companies are added every day, so check back regularly. 

4 Powerful Functions to Help Drive Your Business Development Efforts
  1. Use the Search function to quickly lookup companies by name, city or state. You can also use this component to filter companies by country. Browse some of our top participating countries: Japan, South Korea, United Kingdom, Germany, and Canada
  2. The powerful Filter allows you to drill down by Company Types to identify companies you want to meet during BIO Digital. Top represented company types include Biotech/Pharma, Therapeutic R&D; CMO/CRO; Medical Device or Technology; and Academic, Tech Transfer. Hint: Sort the Company Types Alphabetically or By Count
  3. Use the 'Flip' button on each company card to view their selected Company Types. Click each Company Type to view more companies in that category.
  4.  Not sure what exactly you're looking for? Use one of three features to browse the list in different ways to discover more companies.
    • Sort: A-Z, or Z-A
    • Filter by letter
    • Scroll through by page

Please be aware, you must be registered for partnering for BIO Digital to view full company profiles, send messages, and request meetings via BIO One-on-One Partnering.

Thank you to our BIO One-on-One Partnering system sponsor, Merck & Co..