
Jeanne Regnante

Bethesda, Maryland, United States
Jeanne M. Regnante, is the Chief Health Equity and Diversity Officer at the LUNGevity Foundation. In this role, Jeanne’s primary objective is to secure the sustainable engagement of vulnerable lung cancer communities by working with trusted community-based organizations and health care professionals to achieve health equity and equalize disparities for all. Jeanne oversees the strategic design, development and communication of key diversity, equity and inclusivity related policies programs and partnerships as well as lead initiatives focusing on the social determinates of health. Previous to this position, Jeanne was Senior Vice President of Community Engagement for National Minority Quality Forum where she chaired the Diverse Cancer Communities Working Group (CWG) who worked together to optimize cancer care, treatment and inclusion to clinical trials for racial and ethnic minorities and medically underserved cancer populations. She has enjoyed her 30+ work experience at Merck & Co. which includes Head of Global Patient Engagement, Chief of Staff to Merck’s Chief Medical Officer, Head of Scientific Affairs Operations and led the company wide strategy focused on diversity and inclusion in clinical research. Jeanne’s experience includes: Founding member of Patient Focused Medicines Development (PFMD), Co-leader for two EU Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI)focused on global standards for patient engagement in medicines development. Jeanne is currently a contributor to the American Cancer Society-Cancer Action Network (CAN) Roundtable on Barriers to Clinical Trials, a member of the American Cancer Society’s Patient Navigation Roundtable and contributes to steering committee for IVI's (Innovation and Value Initiative) Patient Advisory Council. Jeanne is CEO and Co-Founder of Patient3i, LLC a novel and quality approach to ensuring patient insights get to innovators in healthcare. Jeanne has been invited to partner on research grants with academic partners and has authored several peer reviewed publications with leaders in the field of health equity. Jeanne believes that the amplification of best practices in collaboration with like-minded health care leaders drives sustainable and impactful change for the lives of vulnerable populations in communities across America.
Speaking In
8:30 AM - 9:30 AM (PDT)
Tuesday, October 13
With the spread of a pandemic that disproportionately affects communities of color and continued…