
Tim Leaver, BSc

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Tim Leaver joined Precision NanoSystems in 2011, shortly after the company was founded. Initially brought on for his expertise in microfluidics, Tim went on to set-up and lead various functions from research and development to operations and commercial. Tim holds a degree in Engineering Physics from the University of British Columbia and is a graduate of the adMare Bioinnovations Executive Training Institute. He is a co-inventor on various patents including PNI’s NxGen technology. In his current role as Strategy Head, he is responsible for working with internal and external partners to ensure PNI offers the solutions the field needs to create transformative medicines.
Speaking In
12:30 PM - 12:45 PM
Thursday, June 8
Precision NanoSystems, now part of the Danaher Life Sciences platform, is a global leader in…
Session Room 104A