Case Study: Launching Successful Gene Therapies in the Value-Based Era
1:45 PM - 2:45 PM (EDT), Wednesday, June 7, 2023 ・ Session Room 206AB

The coming wave of gene therapies has already forced biotechs to change their development model. Now they must change their commercial model too. As competition grows, companies will no longer be able to command high prices for products just because of niche status. Biotechs will need to work with payers and value assessors, using value-based pricing to position their products. They will also have to build demand with patients and physicians as their therapies vie for market share with more established disease modifying, if not curative, therapies. In this panel, Real Endpoints will speak with payers, gene therapy companies, and distributors about the evolving commercial roadmap and lessons learned that can be replicated by other drug developers.