Is Your Billion-Dollar Oncology AI Cutting-Edge Technology or is it Artificial Ignorance?
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM (EDT), Wednesday, June 7, 2023 ・ Session Room 254A

Ironically, billions of dollars and FOMO investor zeal frantically chasing the promise of Artificial Intelligence have been snared in the peril of Artificial Ignorance instead. Smart algorithms trained on dumb data are transforming “garbage in, garbage out,” a decades old computer science adage, into “garbage in, amplified garbage out.” But does it have to be this way? Are all AI systems doomed to fall into the ignorance trap? Or is there hope for an artificial intelligence led revolution in discovery of cancer therapies and precision medicine? How can AI revolutionize cancer drug discovery? What is the market potential for biotech and pharma? The stakes could not be higher. Join us to gain the edge on themes immediately relevant to drug R&D, licensing, clinical trials, and regulatory processes. Learn how new tools and capabilities in precision and personalized medicine can reduce the cost, and time, of bringing blockbuster cancer therapies to market.