Protecting Trade Secrets from the Growing Foreign Influence Threat to Early Stage Discovery Programs
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM (EDT), Tuesday, June 6, 2023 ・ Session Room 254B

The early discovery stages of the research and development process is the most vulnerable time for a trade secret to be compromised by unscrupulous outsiders and malicious insiders looking to gain a competitive advantage. The risks to early-stage R&D pipeline assets, including trade secrets, are significant. And if the research pipeline was not already hard enough to manage, research organizations worldwide must now face momentous threats from Foreign Influence Threat Groups that are targeting researchers, research programs, and even supply chain partners to steal valuable knowledge. Research organizations must proactively protect their trade secrets from misuse, loss, theft, and misappropriation through the deployment of formal research security management programs. This session will focus on the current best practices in the protection of research assets, including early stage trade secrets, and provides a defensive briefing on how to identify and manage Foreign Influence risks.