
Michael Bevilacqua, MD

Carlsbad, California, United States
Dr. Michael P. Bevilacqua has 35+ years’ experience as a medical scientist, inventor, and executive.

As co-founder, CEO, and CSO of Macro Biologics (previously Amicrobe), Dr. Bevilacqua leads development of its technology platform and investigational products designed to prevent and treat life-threatening infections, especially in the fields of surgery and trauma.

Previously, Dr. Bevilacqua held executive positions in large and small biopharmaceutical companies. He served as Vice President of Inflammation and Chemistry at Amgen, where he built a division for development of therapeutics targeting inflammatory and immunological diseases, including IL-1 and TNF inhibitors. After Amgen, he founded Source Precision Medicine, Inc., to develop high-precision gene analysis systems for monitoring disease progression and therapeutic effectiveness.

Dr. Bevilacqua was a Howard Hughes investigator and tenured faculty member of the Department of Pathology at UCSD. Prior to that, he was a resident, fellow, and faculty member of the Department of Pathology at Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School. There, he led a successful research lab, discovered two endothelial-leukocyte adhesion molecules, and named the family of adhesion proteins known as “Selectins”. He was chosen as a PEW scholar. He received his M.D. and Ph.D. from SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn, New York.
Speaking In
3:15 PM - 3:30 PM
Wednesday, June 7
Macro Biologics’ innovative technology platform creates synthetic biological polymers (macro…
Session Room 104C