BIO Professional Development
Through a curated network of education alliance partners, BIO offers industry professionals executive training and development resources for accelerating career growth
Promotional Med Ed (Scenarios)
Comprehensive review of Do's and Don'ts for Promotional Medical Education. Covers drug and device promotion, speaker's bureaus, presentations at meetings, contractual arrangements with speakers, consultants, ad board members, publication plans, speakers' fees, slide kits, gifts to HCPs, events, sponsorships, MOA.
The Promotional Medical Education Tactics Module describes the types of promotional medical education tactics that can executed to promote a new prescription product
This Promotional Medical Education Scenarios Module focuses on specific situations that require careful attention to ensure regulatory compliance, specifically:
Promotional Speaker Programs: Appropriate audience, unsolicited requests for off-label information, scientific exchange, out-of-label data, Fair Market Value (FMV), entertainment
Meetings: Phase III Trial data, social events: Investigational Products
Other topics: Accelerated Approval Drugs, Boxed Warning Drugs, REMS, Pharmacoeconomic (PE) Information