
Booth 451
Watertown, Massachusetts, United States
If you are interested in Massachusetts as a possible destination for your business, contact us at MassEcon. We provide an array of services at no cost. LET MASSECON BE YOUR GUIDE IN MASSACHUSETTS. When you work with MassEcon, you are working with the entire Team Massachusetts network of state economic development organizations, such as MassDevelopment, municipal partners like the Marlborough EDC, and private firms such as Timberline Construction. We provide:

Site Location services - MassEcon knows that Location is Everything! MassEcon is the provider of site location services for Massachusetts. Let us help you find your best location. Feel free to view the premier, shovel ready land sites and move-in ready Class A buildings at MassEcon’s ReadyMass 100 search platform.

Data you Need - We can provide you an array of labor market, industry, demographic, education, and business cost data that you need in selecting a location for your business.

Massachusetts Incentives -
Massachusetts offers competitive incentives and programs that support companies relocating to or growing in Massachusetts.

Massachusetts Life Sciences Tax Credits
$20 million in annual Tax Credits for Job Creation through the EDIP
3% Investment Tax Credit
10% Research & Development Tax Credit
$15M+ in Workforce Training Fund grants
$20 million annual Life Sciences Tax Credits
Sales tax exemptions for manufacturers and research companies, and more!

If you have questions about Massachusetts, begin by contacting MassEcon and Team Massachusetts.