Microbion Corporation

[Available On-Demand]
Microbion is developing our novel agent, pravibismane, for the treatment of cystic fibrosis-related lung infections and nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) lung infections. Pravibismane is a patented, first-in-class agent with equipotent biofilm eradication and antimicrobial activity, a novel mechanism of action (bioenergetic inhibitor) and blockbuster commercial potential. The company has received significant external scientific validation for its technology including $17 million in funding awards from CARB-X and the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation to support the development of inhaled pravibismane from GLP toxicology through Phase 1b in patients. We seek an additional investment to complete this development program through Phase 1b, leveraging the $17 million funding award.
Company Type:
Privately Funded Company
Company Website:
Company HQ State:
Company HQ Country:
United States
Year Founded:
Main Therapeutic Focus:
Orphan/Rare Diseases
Lead Product in Development:
Development Phase of Primary Product:
Phase II
Number Of Unlicensed Products (For Which You Are Seeking Partners):
Not Provided
Microbion Corporation