
Zhirui Wang, PHD

Denver, Colorado, United States
Dr. Zhirui Wang is founder of Rock Immune, Associate Professor of Surgery, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus. Dr. Wang’s expertise is using unique diphtheria toxin resistant yeast Pichia pastoris expression system as a platform to develop diphtheria toxin-based recombinant immunotoxins for specific depletion of targeted cell populations. Before joining University of Colorado, he had worked in Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School for 10+ years. Dr. Wang had also worked in Dr. David Neville's Laboratory at NIH for 8 years on a variety of immunotoxin development projects. He has been working in the immunotoxin field for 20+ years. His lab has established systems and long-term success experience with the entire immunotoxin development process including in vitro efficacy analysis and in vivo efficacy characterization using such as rodent models and large animal models. So far, his lab has successfully developed nine valuable recombinant immunotoxins.
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Rock Immune's mission is to develop and commercialize diphtheria toxin based recombinant…