I am BIO Podcast
Powerful stories of biotech breakthroughs, the people they help, and the global problems they solve.

Episode 78 • Oct 31, 2023 • 26 min
The Synbio Revolution is Here
Episode Topic:
Innovative companies are using synthetic biology to engineer organisms and create new materials that could transform every sector of our economy, from health care to food and energy production. Those companies say we’ve entered a synbio revolution, and it holds potential to improve the health of people and our planet. In this episode, we talk with three synbio experts about how this convergence of genetic engineering, computer science and other scientific disciplines is making our world more sustainable.
Episode Guests

Matt Begemann
Senior Director, Gene Editing & Trait Discovery, Benson Hill

Jennifer Wipf
SVP and Head of Commercial Cell Engineering, Ginkgo Bioworks

Michael Koepke
Chief Innovation Officer, LanzaTech