genXone S.A.

Booth 3453
Suchy Las, Poland
genXone company acts in the biotech sector and offers nucleic acid (DNA and RNA) sequencing services based on the innovative nanopore sequencing technology, Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS), also known as third-generation sequencing.

The company is the first in Poland to be accredited and licensed for commercial use of the nanopore sequencing technology developed by Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT). Based on the access to ONT technology, the company creates its own, new solutions in the form of laboratory protocols as well as bioinformatics tools, scripts and algorithms, enabling the use of nanopore sequencing in many areas of science and business, including in genetic diagnostics, food industry, veterinary medicine and agriculture. The experienced team of genXone, which consists of specialists in the field of molecular genetics and bioinformatics, works on modern solutions.

The activity of genXone is complemented by the Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory, which conducts research using the Real-Time PCR method, including the detection and quantification of pathogens in various human systems. New way of company's development are clinical trials.

genXone's main project is based on human gut micriobiota and is called NANOBIOME.