
Karen Carey

York, Pennsylvania, United States
Karen Carey is BioWorld's analyst who oversees all biopharma and medical technology data, and writes about financial, deal-making, clinical, scientific and regulatory trends. Her analytics incorporate two decades of data gathered from industry publications, experts, conferences and documents, and provide historical perspectives and visual insights of where the industries are heading. Since the start of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, she has tracked an extensive list of clinical trials negatively affected by it, available diagnostic tests to detect it, and vaccines and therapeutics in development to fight it. For 30 years, the online daily publication BioWorld has provided news, analysis and actionable insights for the biopharma industry, including more than 1,600 articles and briefs in 2020 that are directly related to COVID-19.
Speaking In
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM (PDT)
Wednesday, October 14
With more than 75% of clinical trials disrupted due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many biopharma…