Vaccines & Biodefense

In the U.S., the recommended immunization series prevents approximately 33,000 deaths each year. Advancements in biotechnology have made it possible to produce vaccines that cannot transmit a virus or bacterium. This method has helped create more than 20 new vaccines against infectious agents, improved existing vaccines, and increased the amount of vaccine that can be produced.

Partnering with the Department of Defense to Protect the Warfighter: Investments in National Health Security

Webinar recorded on June 30, 2022, and moderated by Phyllis Arthur, Vice President, Infectious Disease and Emerging Science Policy, BIO.  Webinar slides are available at this link.

The US Government invests in biomedical research in many ways, including direct funding of some critical R&D areas for diagnostics, vaccines, and therapeutics that could strengthen biodefense preparedness. This three-part webinar details for the biotechnology corporate and academic community the many new and previously available sources of capital, as well as the processes for applying for funding, from the US Department of Defense.

The Department of Defense (DoD) is continuously engaging in efforts to protect the warfighter from a broad array of threats. Preparing for and responding to these threats requires key partnerships with the industry to develop vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics that are designed specifically to meet the unique needs of the warfighter in various situations. Many of the investments made through these partnerships also support broader applications of key biotechnologies for other unmet healthcare needs. This important webinar represents an opportunity for BIO members and the whole biotechnology community to get an update about the priorities and programs within the DoD and the ways companies can work with the Agency on their priorities.

Part 1—Opening Remarks on DoD Priorities and Investing at the Speed of Need: Novel Technologies and Platforms to Accelerate Drug Development (60 minutes)

Part 2—Repurposing and Redirecting: An Alternate Approach to Accelerating Medical Countermeasures (42 minutes)

Part 3—How to Work with DoD (16 minutes)

DoD Webinar part 1 Screenshot
Part 1 of 3—Investing at the Speed of Need: Novel Technologies and Platforms to Accelerate Drug Development
DoD Webinar part 2 Screenshot
Part 2 of 3—Repurposing and Redirecting: An Alternate Approach to Accelerating Medical Countermeasures
DoD Webinar part 3 Screenshot
Part 3 of 3—How to Work with DoD
Biotech Response to COVID-19

As the threat of the novel coronavirus continues to grow globally, innovative biopharmaceutical companies are ramping up efforts to study the virus and develop vaccines and cures to protect individuals from contracting the virus.

Press Releases
June 20, 2024
BIO President and CEO John F. Crowley today released the following statement after a bipartisan group of Senators, Sen. Bob Casey (D-PA), Sen. Markwayne Mullin (R-OK), Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH), and Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME), introduced the Creating Hope Reauthorization Act to reauthorize the Rare…
June 10, 2024
Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO) is proud to conclude the 2024 BIO International Convention in San Diego, held last week June 3-6, 2024. 1,400 exhibitors and more than 19,500 attendees from 70 countries came together for four full days of programming designed to propel the biotechnology…
January 25, 2024
Today, the Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO) released a new report, "The State of Innovation in Vaccines and Prophylactic Antibodies for Infectious Diseases," examining the latest scientific and investment trends in vaccine development. The global vaccine and immunization pipeline boasts…
Letters, Comments & Testimony
May 9, 2024
BIO submits comments on the MDH’s proposed regulations regarding Drugs of Substantial Public Interest: Draft Methodology for Public Comment as required in statute by the Prescription Drug Price Transparency Act.    
April 19, 2024
The Biotechnology Innovation Organization appreciates the opportunity to comment on the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ Information Collection Request on the Part C and Part D Medicare Prescription Payment Plan Model Documents.
April 1, 2024
In response to the 340B Request for Information issued by the Senate 340B Bipartisan Working Group, BIO submits detailed comments.
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